October 1, 2013
I, Jose Mariano Llanca Tori, Mapuche Political Prisoner of the Autonomous Community of Temucuicui, held in Angol Prison for 1 year and a half, unjustly sentenced to 6 years and a half as a measure of Chilean state repression towards our territorial recovery process as a Mapuche community, declare as follows:
• From the 25th of August I have requested of the Gendarmerie to grant me prison benefits because of my serious health condition. Because since May I have had severe bleedings, accompanied by fainting and severe headaches that last for weeks, due to which I have severe anemia with clinical risk, though no doctor has been clear in a diagnosis.
• The conditions which they provide me in this prison threaten my life, considering that during the last severe bleeding that I suffered in my cell the Prison Guards took 40 minutes to respond only then to have me transfered to the hospital. This situation is compounded when you consider that the prison Infirmary
of the prison has days in the week where it does not attend, leaving me vulnerable to any relapse. By the Angol hospital doctor I have been given a special diet, which the Prison Guards have not taken care of to date.
• External Doctors who have treated me have expressed the urgent need to complete my sentenced time through penitentiary benefits at liberty , because of the more immediate possibilities to be treated by medical personnel. The severity of my condition has worsened too, considering my status as Mapuche away from my land, my family and Mapuche traditional medicine and the difficulty to adequately perform my spirituality as Mapuche.
• For the above, I call upon the Prison Guards and all entities involved, to grant me the prison benefits that I request, noting that I have no fear of prison, but of bleeding to death in this prison.
• For this I call for your support, the Mapuche and non-Mapuche, to join me in this application, demanding my basic right as a person to have health and freedom.
José Llanca Tori
Mapuche Political Prisoner
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