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VIDEO: RCMP arrest suspect linked to suspicious package found at PMO

(Video by Annette Francis/APTN National News. Photo on home news page by Maike Eikelmann/APTN National News @Maikeeik)

By Annette Francis
APTN National News
OTTAWA–RCMP officers arrested a suspect in connection with a suspicious package left at the Prime Minister’s Office across from Parliament Hill.

Police shut down a section of Wellington St. around Langevin Block while an Ottawa police explosive disposal unit investigated the package.

APTN National News reporters witnessed the suspect being taken away from the Wellington St. entrance to Langevin Block. He was hand-cuffed and frisked before put into an RCMP cruiser at about 11:30 a.m.

The man was witnessed ranting at pedestrians on the sidewalk in front of Parliament Hill earlier in the day.

Ottawa police said in a statement that Langevin Block had been evacuated. Prime Minister Stephen Harper was meeting with his caucus on Parliament Hill during the event.



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