"today we have started a rare religious ritual of farewell from our Earth life"
"today we have started a rare religious ritual of farewell from our Earth life" Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous people
This is the final decision of 5000 indigenous Guarani and Kaiowá to the Government, the Federal Court and to all national and international societies of the world.
Today on December 12th 2013, we, 5,000 indigenous Guarani Kaiowá from the Tekohá YVY KATU received news of another collective death threat, which is the order of violence against us and eviction of our land issued by the Federal Court of Justice of São Paulo - SP.
Therefore, it is clear that the Brazilian judicial system will kill us all Guarani Kaiowá. With another eviction from the Federal Court, it is clear to us that the Justice of Brazil is authorizing the extermination of Guarani and Kaiowá, with all the violence , the collective death , especially the extinction and decimation of the Guarani and Kaiowá in Brazil.
We understand that in the past 10 years, the Federal Court of Brazil had several times declared our expulsion from our land YVY KATU, which means that the Justice of Brazil is ordering our death here in Yvy Katu. It's been two months since we communicated the Federal Court and the Federal Government that our communities had returned to reoccupy our tekoha YVY KATU to restore our lives in a piece of our land. We have also said that we will not leave our land of YVY KATU, here we will all die together, here we all want be buried. This is our final decision and we won’t change our mind. We have sent our message several times to the Federal Government and the Minister of Justice, to President Dilma, the Federal Prosecutor, the President of the Supreme Court.
Today, 12.12.2013, once again we have sent our final decision to President Dilma, the President of the National Council of Justice and the Supreme Court asking for the understanding and the fulfillment our past ultimatum. We demand from the supreme federal authorities in Brazil the following. We gathered four thousand Guarani and Kaiowá here at tekoha YVY KATU to resist the eviction order, our decision is to fight to death for our land of YVY KATU and even after our death we're not leaving YVY KATU.
We only ask the government of President Dilma and to Joaquim Barbosa, from the Supreme Court, to collectively bury us all here in tekoha YVY KATU. Neither living nor dead we will get out of our ancient land. While still alive, we anticipate our last wish to the Justice Courts, which is to have our right to be buried here in YVY KATU, we demand this request to the Brazilian Justice.
We also ask the president Dilma and the Federal Court that have ruled our expulsion and collective death to be the responsible in helping and supporting the surviving children, women and elderly here at YVY KATU that will definitely be without father and without mother after the execution of the eviction by the police force. Since the Federal Court of Navirai - MS in November, has mandated the use of police force against our lives and our strife, therefore we communicate the federal judge that we will resist until death the eviction order, we are absolutely sure that we will die for our land of YVY KATU, so the judge is already aware of our decision. All authorities are also now aware of our decision, as native Guarani people, we will fight to the death for our land of YVY KATU.
12/12/2013 Today, we have once again informed the federal judge of the Federal Court of São Paulo we will not leave the tekoha YVY KATU, here we will all stand and die fighting. We have equally communicated President Dilma. For the last time, we tell everyone that as of today 12/12/2013, we have started a rare religious ritual of farewell from our Earth life, in our belief, we are doing the conscious act of preparing life for the forced death by the white man’s firearms, or better said, we have begun our acceptance and confirmation ceremony regarding the forced exit of the soul from the body and its return to the Guarani cosmos due to the death on the battlefield. This is one of the life farewell rituals that is rarely performed, yet today we have started doing it. We have begun to participate in this ritual of acceptance of death and forced parting from life, from families and friends, because we know well that the Federal Court is authorizing the armed white men to attack and kill us here in tekoha YVY KATU. We inform everyone that we, Guarani and Kaiowá from YVY KATU, decided to resist eviction and to be killed by a firearm from the either white men or police force. There is no doubt in our heart. We will not retreat a step backwards, we will stand for the sake of honor and deep respect for our dead ancestors in YVY KATU, united, we will fight and die for our land where our ancestors are buried. For this reason, we ask the Government and Justice to bury us all here at tekoha YVY KATU because we aren’t leaving here either alive or dead, so we will not leave the tekoha YVY KATU. This is our final decision. Again, we invite all national and international societies to follow and watch the genocide and decimation of 4,000 native
Guarani Kaiowá people here in YVY KATU ordered by the Brazilian justice through the "white" Brazilian policemen and other armed people here in Mato Grosso do Sul / BRAZIL .
Tekoha Yvy Katu , December 12th, 2013
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